Orona Portugal Whistleblowing Channel 


The Whistleblowing Channel is an independent whistleblowing service for any irregular practices ("communication" or “disclosure”), as foreseen in the Whistleblowing Policy, managed by Deloitte on behalf of Orona.

This Whistleblowing Channel provides Orona with a mechanism for internal reporting of irregular practices, through an effective and suitable system for their detection, investigation and resolution, in compliance with the rules of conduct established by Orona and with the principles of guaranteed anonymity, confidentiality, safeguards and non-retaliation in relations with whistleblowers, as well as compliance with data protection and information security standards.

Entity’s Whistleblowing Channel was designed to receive disclosures relating to the matters below:

  • Bullying & Harassment​
  • Discrimination
  • Ethics, Misconduct or Conflicts of interest​
  • Fraud & Theft​
  • Bribery, Corruption & Money Laundering​
  • Purchasing & Public procurement
  • Product and transport safety and compliance​
  • Protection of the environment​
  • Radiation protection and nuclear safety​
  • Food and feed safety, animal health and welfare​
  • Public health​
  • Competition & Consumer protection​
  • Data protection and privacy and cybersecurity​
  • Other violations

Whistleblowers may provide information, evidence and facts related to possible irregularities, anonymously or identifying themselves.

If you wish to report any irregularities click Log a disclosure/suspicion.

In this case, provide as much information as possible to facilitate further action or investigation.

If you have any other queries relating to the service and how it operates, please email Oronadenuncias@deloitte.pt.