Norconsult Speak Up


Welcome to Norconsult Group’s whistleblowing channel. We call the service Norconsult Speak Up (hereafter named Speak Up). Through this service you may report concerns or actual violations of laws, rules or ethical guidelines. When you have filed a report, you will have access to the confidential chat function of Speak Up, where you can communicate anonymously and add additional information relevant for the case.

Norconsult takes whistleblowing very seriously and will ensure that all reports made are reviewed and that investigations are initiated where possible and necessary. If you want to report a concern or suspected misconduct through Speak Up, this can be done here.

Speak Up is managed by Deloitte Advokatfirma AS (hereafter named Deloitte), on behalf of Norconsult Group. All reports will be taken seriously, and you will receive a confirmation from a lawyer in Deloitte, who is responsible for Norconsult’s whistleblowing cases,within 24 hours from filing your report.

Deloitte is responsible for the initial evaluation of all reported incidents. After you have filed your report Deloitte may need to contact you, either through your provided contact information or through the Speak Up’s confidential chat function. It is important that you keep your Disclosure ID and password so that you can come back to check the status of your case and whether you have received any questions, at regular intervals.