Deloitte Whistleblowing System


Deloitte Whistleblowing System is an independent whistleblowing service for all Deloitte Network entities in Italy.  

Deloitte takes whistleblowing very seriously and will review all reports made and initiate investigations where possible and necessary. Reports are completely confidential and you are not required to reveal your identity until you choose to do so.

Deloitte Whistleblowing System is designed to receive disclosures relating to the matters below:

a) unlawful conduct relevant to Decree 231 or violations of the 231 Model (the "231 Whistleblowings") 

b) offences falling within the scope of European Union or national acts (as referred to in the Whistleblowing Decree) relating to the following sectors: 

- public procurement;

- services, products and financial markets and prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing; 

- product safety and compliance;

- transport safety;

- environmental protection;

- radiation protection and nuclear safety;

- food and feed safety and animal health and welfare;

- public health;

- consumer protection;

- protection of privacy and protection of personal data and security of networks and information systems; 

c) acts or omissions detrimental to the financial interests of the European Union, as set out in the Whistleblowing Decree (by way of example but not limited to: fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity detrimental to the financial interests of the European Union) 

d) acts or omissions concerning the internal market, including violations of European Union competition and State aid rules, as well as violations concerning the internal market related to acts that violate corporate tax rules or mechanisms whose purpose is to obtain a tax advantage that frustrates the object or purpose of the applicable corporate tax rules, as indicated in the Whistleblowing Decree

(e) acts or conduct that frustrate the object or purpose of the provisions of Union acts in the areas indicated in points (b), (c) and (d).

If you want to report a violation, this can be done here.

Reports are confidential and you are not required to reveal your identity until you choose to do so. You should provide as much information as possible to facilitate any subsequent action or investigation.

If you have any other queries relating to the service and how it operates, please email:

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