Deloitte Halo

Your reports are important!
The protection of trust, integrity, and reputation by means of perfectly ethical and lawful conduct is a top priority for Festo. To protect these characteristics of Festo and avert potential damage to the company, learning about compliance violations is an important concern. Festo places great importance in an open, value-oriented company culture. It encourages employees and third parties who have become aware of compliance risks and, in particular, detected compliance violations to approach points of contact within the company, e.g. executive staff, HR, Compliance department.
In addition, Festo offers its employees and business partners the secure Deloitte Halo-whistleblowing portal. It supports the detection and prevention of compliance incidents such as:
  • Bribery and Corruption
  • Fraud and Conflict of interest
  • Anti trust and competition law
  • Other breach of internal policy / procedure
  • Other breach of external law / regulation
  • Bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • Other unethical behaviour or misconduct
  • Health / safety / environment
  • Data protection law
  • Human rights

It is of paramount importance to use the Deloitte Halo-whistleblowing portal responsibly and never to abuse it for the submission of insulting, libellous, or otherwise decrying reports that disadvantage another person (e.g. an employee/colleague) without any incriminating facts. A whistleblower is encouraged to only provide information whose correctness the whistleblower is convinced about to the best of its knowledge and belief.

For simplifying the readability, this portal does not make separate reference to male or female employees, but when referring to "employee", both genders are included and treated as a synonym. No discrimination is intended in any way.
Why should I submit a report?
We consider the mutual trust between our company, our business environment (business partners, customers), and our employees to be our most valuable asset. We want to set standards - not only for our competence, performance, and service, but also in terms of our ethical conduct within our business environment. This includes the observance of our code of conduct, upholding of values and duties, and compliance with legal regulations.
You might be aware of harmful acts that damage our company. You might also feel hesitant to disclose this information personally.
We want to effectively protect you as a whistleblower and offer you through Deloitte Halo a secure communication platform using the latest technology for submitting reports by name or, if desired, anonymously. By setting up an anonymous mailbox on this portal you can make an active contribution to the solution of the case.
Each individual member of our company is responsible for protecting it from damage. Thank you for your support.
If you want to report a violation through the Deloitte Halo whistleblower portal, this can be done here.
You can also send your report as an email to containing as much of the following information as possible including:
  • nature of the incident
  • names of the persons involved
  • date, time and place of the incident(s)
  • frequency of the incident
You can also enclose any attachments that you consider useful in connection with your report. Please make sure that they do not reveal your identity if you wish to remain anonymous.
Reports are confidential and you are not required to reveal your identity unless you choose to do so. You should provide as much information as possible to facilitate any subsequent action or investigation. If you have any other queries relating to the service and how it operates, please email