Tell Us


At Systematic we want to protect our company and our employees and ensure that we remain a fair, safe and honest place to work. That is why we have made this whistleblower platform available to all who become aware of any kind of misconduct or violations of the Systematic Code of Conduct.

The external whistleblower hotline “Tell Us” is managed by the independent consulting company Deloitte in order to secure anonymity to the reporting person.

Tell Us is designed to receive reports from persons related to Systematic on potential threats to the company. These could be serious violations such as:

  • Violation of legislation
  • Bullying
  • Bribery/Corruption
  • Policy/procedure breach
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Violation of safety or security rules
  • Discrimination
  • Fraud
  • Health/Safety/Environment
  • Sexual harassment and assault
  • Misconduct
  • Theft
  • Other serious violations.

It is possible for you to file a report regarding any of these violations without revealing your identity. However, we encourage you to include as many details and documentation as possible as this will ease the investigation of the report.

When you submit your report, an analyst from Deloitte will review the information you have given and will then suggest specific follow-up action to a designated contact in Systematic.

You will get a reference number and password upon submission. Please keep these in case you need to add information to your report.

If you have further questions, please email or see if your question is answered in our FAQ.

Report a violation here.