Compliance Helpline! Your information is important to us
Integrity, reliability, respect, and trust are top priorities for CTS EVENTIM. CTS EVENTIM does not tolerate violations of applicable law and internal guidelines.
CTS EVENTIM offers employees and third parties a confidential reporting channel to report possible violations. These include, but are not limited to, fraud, theft, corruption, violations of competition or antitrust law, money laundering, discrimination, and other serious violations of (criminal) laws and guidelines.
Complaints about human rights and environmental risks as well as possible violations of the respective due diligence obligations under the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG) of the Federal Republic of Germany can also be reported in this way.
Please note that our whistleblower system is not intended for customer inquiries related to ticket sales or other services. Please do not use this system for data protection enquiries (data subject enquiries, etc.).
CTS EVENTIM takes the handling of reports from whistleblowers via the CTS EVENTIM Compliance Helpline very seriously, processes every report submitted and initiates investigations as far as possible and necessary. Our aim is to protect you as a whistleblower effectively. All reports are kept strictly confidential, and you are not required to reveal your identity unless you wish to do so. CTS EVENTIM uses a whistleblower system operated by Deloitte.
This system may not be misused to knowingly transmit false or defamatory messages and information. Communications aimed at denouncing or slandering others are not tolerated and may be punishable in some countries.
If you wish to report an offense, you can do so here.
Regardless of whether you remain anonymous or provide your name, we ask you to log in regularly to the system using your password and the message ID you received after submitting your message. In this way, we can communicate with you in the event of questions.
If you have any technical questions about this service and how it works, please send an e-mail to Deloitte Technical Support euhalosupport@deloittece.com.